3 Tips For Reducing Allergens In Your Home When You Have Asthma

If you suffer from asthma, you may wonder what you can do to improve the air quality of your home and remove the triggers that bring on an attack. If so, use one or more of the following three tips for reducing allergens in your home when you have asthma.

Clean Floors with a Microfiber Mop

Because dust and pollen tend to settle on your floors, you may find that you have to constantly sweep and mop them. However, when you use a regular broom to sweep the floor, you are only spreading around the tiny particles. Then, using a regular mop tends to make this dust cake to the floor, causing it to stick and build up.

Instead of using a regular broom and mop, use a mop with a microfiber head. The material captures small dust and pollen particles so you are not just moving them from one area to another. You can also use plain water while mopping the floors, reducing your exposure to fragranced cleaners that may also irritate your lungs.

Use a Vacuum with a HEPA Filter

Another way you can reduce your asthmatic lungs' exposure to allergens is to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. The filter helps remove 99.97 percent of tiny allergens particles from the air. This helps you clean better than using a traditional vacuum cleaner, which only blows the allergens around the room.

Along with cleaning the floor with the vacuum, also dust with it using the attached brush tool. Using the tool instead of wiping up the dust helps to permanently remove it, instead of stirring it up only to have it settle again on your furniture.

Install an Electronic Air Cleaner

Especially if you have severe asthma, you may also want to consider having an electronic air cleaner installed in your central HVAC system. These cleaners pull dust, pollen, and other allergens into the metal plates, preventing them from reentering your home through the ducts.

These cleaners tend to remove more allergens than standard filters. Also, they are easier to deal with. Unlike filters you have to replace, you can simply wipe the blades clean once a week, keeping the cleaner working at an efficient level while removing your asthma triggers from the air.

Using one or more of the above tips can help keep allergens at bay in your home, helping to reduce your risk of an asthma attack. If you have any questions about electronic air cleaners, contact an HVAC contractor who can answer your concerns and discuss your options for having one installed in your central air system.
