Three Main Ways Of Preventing Mold Growth In HVAC

Toxic mold in an HVAC system can cause different health effects such as headaches, respiratory problems, and skin irritations, among others. There are various ways of preventing HVAC mold, but they all revolve around these three fundamental themes:

Eliminating or Reducing Moisture

Mold thrives in moist places, so eliminating moisture helps to keep mold away. Unfortunately, HVACs have to produce moisture in their operations. The moisture produced in a typical HVAC's normal operations shouldn't present much of a problem. However, a system malfunction or uncharacteristically high humidity can result in too much moisture and the associated mold issues. Here are a few things you can do to minimize moisture and discourage mold growth:

  • Ensure the drain pan is properly maintained and drained so that it doesn't accumulate moisture.
  • Repair water leaks promptly.
  • Make sure the humidification and dehumidification systems are working properly.
  • Have a technician treat wet surfaces periodically to discourage mold growth.

Reducing Organic Matter

In addition to moisture, mold also thrives on organic matter. This means eliminating organic matter from your HVAC system also helps to keep mold at bay. Here are a few tips to help you with the organic matter:

  • Ensure dust and debris don't obstruct the outdoor screens and grills; if that happens, bits of organic matter may break away from the buildup and contaminate your system.
  • Replace air filters regularly and ensure they are the right ones for your system so that they can keep blocking debris.
  • Minimize dust buildup during construction or renovation, for example, by turning off the HVAC.
  • Reduce accumulation of organic matter (such as garbage cans) near outdoor air vents.
  • Don't let pests, such as bird, colonize your house since they also encourage accumulation of organic matter, for example, via their droppings.

Reducing the Flow of Mold Spores

Mold propagate from pores, so getting rid of mold spores is also a good step in reducing mold growth. Unfortunately, it's impossible to get rid of all mold pores in or around your house, but you can reduce their and restrict their flow to different parts of your HVAC system. Reducing the circulation of mold spores involve:

  • Ensuring that filters are tight fitting and of the right type.
  • Ventilate closed rooms properly.
  • Reducing house dust (spores can become part of house dust).

Hopefully, the above precautions will help you and you will never have a problem with HVAC mold. If you are already dealing with mold issues, consult a technician such as Bryant Air Conditioning, Heating, Electrical & Plumbing for a professional solution.
