Hot Water Tank Problems? What To Know If Your Unit Is Old

If you have been having a difficult time meeting your hot water needs with the hot water heater that you currently have in your home, it's time to look at other heating options for your water. You want to have the hot water that you need when you need it, and you don't want to pay too much on your utility costs to get it. Here are a few of the things you want to think about when it's time to consider a new unit.  

Your Unit Is a Decade Old

If your hot water tank is a decade old or older, it's time to stop wasting energy and money, so you'll probably want to upgrade to a newer unit. There are several newer, more efficient units that you can purchase that are going to be better for the safety of your home. If you aren't sure how old your unit is, contact a plumbing professional to find out.

You Still Have a Tank

If you still have a water heating unit that is a large tank of filled water, you have an outdated style unit. This tank is problematic because:

  • The water can leak and flood your space
  • The unit runs all day long to heat water, even when hot water isn't needed
  • Buildup can accumulate on the tank

Instead of having a unit that has a water heating tank, you want to get a tankless unit that runs efficiently.

You Want to Upgrade

If you know you want to upgrade to a new unit, it's time to make the change to a tankless hot water heater. The tankless hot water heater is placed at a location where your water comes into the home, or even directly under faucets, and it heats the water only as the water is needed. This way energy isn't wasted, and you are given as much hot water as you need.

If your hot water tank isn't performing and you are having a hard time getting all the hot water you need to do the dishes, take a shower and more, it's time to make the change. Talk with plumbers at companies like Smedley & Associates in your area to see what type of unit they recommend for your home, and what hot water tank will lower your utility costs while still getting you the hot water that you need on a daily basis.
